Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What Is Good?

I have previously read the book Philosophy For Dummies by Tom Morris in which I came across the philosophical principle and/or question of what is good. The book stated that a definition is known of what is a good book or a good movie but not of what good is or the nature of good. My definition of good is something that has a purpose and its use concerns that purpose. I also thing good something or someone that is pleasing to all five senses. I think the definition of good can vary depending on a person's experience, environment, perspectives/principles, nature, and ways of thinking. After reading this post of a definition of good comes to mind, comment.

1 comment:

  1. I think good is best defined according to one’s beliefs or what one perceives to be good. I’m a Christian and my perception of good is parallel with what the bible says is good. When talking about moral issues.
