Saturday, July 3, 2010

Scientific Progress

Scientific progress. The two words that assess the current state of science today. In the last few decades and/or century science has progressed from menial findings to findings that change the lives of humanity. As the previous statement is already known, the book Denialism:How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet, and Threatens Our Lives by Michael Specter analyzes the fear and mistrust put towards science and how that hinders scientific progress. Although I have not read the book, I believe the statement assess the current state of science today. The fear and skepticism towards science and many of its findings hinders the abillity of science to progress and improve the lives of humanity/society today. I belive science to be interesting and the mainstay in today's society. I believe any new finding in science to be amazing, spectacular, and one step towards a better world.

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