Friday, July 2, 2010

GM Crops/Food

In the fairly recent debate over GM crops/food my stance remains for GM crops/food. The reason for/behind my stance on the issue is because I believe that although food is genetically modified, it is genetically modified for the best. Food and/or crops that are genetically modified are modified for the purposes of to create a crop that can withstand environmental damage and other forms of damage as well to create a easier, healthier, and safer eating experience. In my opinion the creation of GM foods/crops can help and not harm the human eating experience. The existence of GM crops also helps to create accessibility among common foods/crops. Please comment.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, for all the post! I have enjoyed reading each day. I am also concerned about our food source in the United States. I'm not much on commenting. I just like reading what you have to say each day. Thanks!!!
