Monday, July 4, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

New Site

The Intellect Blog can now be found at Tumblr, the web address is

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Levels of Materialism Dualism, and Idealism

Materialism and dualism I think are interwoven constituents in life, death, and the afterlife. Dualism manifests itself on Earth, materialism in death and decomposition, and the spiritual afterlife is mainly composed of idealism interwoven with dualism.


This post was contrived and/or composed to showcase my personal definition and thoughts of intellectualism and the level of intellectualism in America (modern times). Intellectualism is the defining factor of humanity, it is an innate activity that some pursue and others reject. The 5 components of intellectualism are knowledge, intelligence, complexity, cognition, and inquiry/inquisition. I believe modern society/America is now in the midst of an intellectual hole. The lack of concern in modern society towards intellectualism has put America in a compromising state in all aspects of its infrastructure(education, innovation, scientific literacy, etc.). Along with or including science, intellectualism is the most compelling and significant entity that manifests itself in both the earthly world and the spiritual world.