Monday, July 26, 2010


The purpose of this post is to lay out and explain my mission and/or purpose for creating this blog. My purpose for creating this blog was to help propel my mission of spreading knowledge and intellect to the world in an unorthodox manner. I feel that this is why I am here on this earth which is to spread knowledge/intellect. I believe that anyone can spread knowledge with any amount of knowledge they have. I have also created this blog because I wanted to create an outlet in which I could bring out intellectual ideas and (hopefully) create one of the many epicenters of intellectual gathering and thought. I have not clearly defined my purpose for creating this blog and that is why I feel the need to address it in this post.

1 comment:

  1. You have inspired me to do more and to be more. Thanks, for caring and sharing. What a good mission. You make the world a better place. Thanks!!!
