Saturday, August 20, 2011


Contrary to some beliefs, intelligence is fixed. Intelligence and the level(s) of intelligence present in a human specimen, is an innate entity. The only intelligence that is not fixed is crystallized intelligence. Knowledge is accumulated and internalized while standard intelligence is natural and sought out but not heightened. Knowledge is a constituent of intelligence, but the ability to internalize, interpret, and utilized information effectively is my exposition for intelligence.

The Five Constituents of Physics

This post was contrived to showcase my personal observations on what constitutes physics. The first constituent of physics is innovation. Innovation is the factor that propels the inventions and research in physics. Innovation is a defining and primary factor in both technology and in all of science. Without innovation physics would be in both an intellectual and didactic rut. The previous statement would also apply to all scientific principles. The second constituent of physics is complexity. Complexity is the state in which physics operates. Without complexity physics would be a somewhat minute and minuscule entity (scientific and intellectual). The third constituent of physics is the universe. Physics along with astronomy is a leading factor in the study and research of the universe. Without physics the study and information of the universe would be obsolete and incomplete. The fourth constituent of physics is interdisciplinary. Like all scientific disciplines, physics has the ability to merge with other disciplines to further knowledge of nature and how it works. Interdisciplinary are extremely important to the research and the knowledge of the constituents and functions of nature. The fifth constituent of physics is stimulation. The complexity of physics brings about stimulation in both cognitive entities and in crystallized intelligence.